Heald Frame Accessories Spare Parts
Heald Frame
We make heald frames for all type of Rapier, Airjet & Projectile Machines Like Sulzer, Picanol, Toyota, Somet, N.P, Tsuadakoma etc.

Heald Frame Accessories

Side Support
We make Side Support For all type of Heald Frames in Metal, Aluminium and Wood. We can Supply Side Support With all attachments. We menufacture Side Support as per customer Sample. We can design and make Side Support which can be interchangeable on Heald FFFrams of Various Furopean and Japanese Mfg.
Frame Lock & Seprators
We manufacture frame lock Using Best Quality Stainless Steel and Mild Steel. Our frame locks are flexible, Easy to change and Durable. We make more then 80 types of frame lock.
We Use Special Mango and Beach Wood to Manufacture Seprators. We also make Seprators in Plastics and Metal. We Can make any type of Seprater as per Customer’s drawing. We Keep regular Stock of more then 60 Types of Seprators.

Heald Frame Accessories
We make all type of Heald Frame Accessories like Strips, Center Support in M.S & Stainless Steel, Plastic Part, Screw, Riverts, ect. We also Supply Heald Rod and Aluminium & M.S Profile Sepraterly for Various types of Heald Frames in different Size and Model.